Wednesday 16 March 2011

Keep on Truckin'

I was optimistic today. Not as much about my weight, but where I am in the grand picture. I'm eating healthy, I don't feel too bad. My energy levels are up. It is that time of month, so they are a little down, and I have a headache - but on a whole, I feel pretty decent. I know that my weight will not be down tomorrow - and I'm okay with that.

So, I have two plans - not sure which way I'll venture. 

1)I may give up dairy for a week and see what happens. I think I eat a lot of cottage cheese and yogurt, and milk (albeit, under or equal to the 1 Kg the Dukan plan suggests), but that is still a fair amount of carbs. I think that perhaps if I let them go for a while, it will be interesting to see if the weight budges. If I do this, I'll have to prepare more - I'm not completely sure on what to snack on when it comes to non-dairy sources of protein. But we'll think of something.

2)I may give up fake sugars for a week. It is possible (read comments below last post) that aspartame may cause weight stalls. I've heard this in the past - and that is one thing that I didn't really imbibe prior to the Dukan. I now drink Coke zero, eat Jello, and have splenda in my desserts. And I've been chewing a lot of gum, which I'm sure also has lots of the fake stuff in it.

I want to do one or the other, not both. I still have some dairy in my fridge, that I want to get rid of, and Jello already made for tonight's dessert. I also have to keep in mind that there my weight may drop some anyhow due to the fact that it's my 'time' right now. Oh! And I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (check-up), so I may ask for advice concerning the 'not going' side of my life.

As for right now, I'm going to eat dinner and take it easy. Nurse my headache. Cuddle up in bed with the boy, and watch some Biggest Loser.

Today's Meals: 
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs w/ oatbran/wheatbran/flax porridge
Lunch: Salad with tuna and assorted meats. We had lunch at work, so I just tossed the bread from the sandwiches and added them to my salad.
Snack: 2 source yogurts
Dinner: Turkey sausages with cottage cheese
Dessert: Jello w/ yogurt

5Km walk
25 minutes on the precor
I wanted to run today - but my headache was too much. Oh, woe is me.....


  1. I use Stevia. Regarding cow dairy, it blocks me up, that's why I eat sheep's milk and goat milk products instead. I have an actual allergy to it, I get asthma from it as well. I read recently that there is more protein in sheep and goat dairy, as well as more calcium and less fat! Of course I live in NYC, so I have lots of shopping options. My solution for the blockage in general is the Colonix program (, if you are interested), which is the fiber supplement I have every morning instead of the oat bran.

  2. I just looked at the colnonix website. A bit to pricey for me at the moment. Too bad the doctor couldn't prescribe it - or maybe he can. Seriously, I'm so blocked up it's not funny. Or maybe it's funny to my husband! I GOTTA do something about it!

    I'll look into the goat and sheep's milk. I LOVE goat's cheese.

    Thank you so much for the advice!

  3. Before you do anything drastic do the trick Dukan suggested as tip of the week recently. Drink only green tea for 3 days. Nothing else but green tea. Warm, cold or hot it doesn't matter as long as it is the only thing you drink for 3 days.

    If you feel dairy affects you then try to have less. Have 1 yogurt instead of two and less cottage cheese/milk and see where that takes you.

    Hope you work it out in the end but don't rush into anything just yet. Your body is still adjusting.

  4. Hi there anonymous!
    I've heard the Dukan trick regarding drinking green tea, and I may give that a try too - prior to giving anything up! Thanks for the reminder and I'll keep you posted!
