Tuesday 26 April 2011


As I mentioned the other day, I would like to start my 'sorta' Dukan plan. I did not weigh myself today (or lately!) as I'm terrified of what the scales will have to say. I've overindulged lately. Or I've indulged, to say the least. So there is no 'start point'. We shall see. It's not about how much I lose, it's about getting to a bodysize/frame of mind that I am comfortable with. That may take months, which I'm alright with. And who knows where the path may lead. That being said, I will be rejoining the latest 'biggest loser' contest at work - primarily because I find it 'keeps me in check' every week. There is something about gaining in front of someone that I do not like. I've been doing the challenge since last summer (when I first weighed in at 169lbs - I came in second, and was down to 150 over 12 weeks). I know that if I keep doing the challenge, I will never allow my weight to rise to that level again. If I'm not losing, it at least helps me maintain within 5 lbs.

So today marked Day One - a re-attack if you will. I've decided to do two days straight protein (although I may have some green veggies if I feel the need). I'm focusing on ditching the real carbs, and upping the water.

Meal Log for Today:
Breakfast (within 30 minutes of waking!!): Protein/coffee shake (milk, coffee, protein)
Later Breakfast: Oatbran (1.5 tbsp) and yogurt
Lunch: turkey and cottage cheese
Snack: Yogurt times two
Dinner: 2 eggs w/ turkey. Possible side salad (just spinach and cucumbers)
Drinks: 2.5 coffees. 1 tea. 8 glasses of water. May have 1 detox tea later.
Calories < 1400cals

Not a lot today,
5Km walk
Run 1 mile (on lunch)
30 squats (just for the fun of it)
I couldn't make it to the gym after work due to time constraints, and then didn't want to go back out.

Again, my 'plan' is to do two days of attack, and then go to Protein/veggie days. I will have one or two pure protein days a week (tuesdays and wednesdays). Possibly, I will have a 'free meal' with wine on the weekends. This will not be a huge chinese buffet or anything like that. But it may incorporate a slightly higher carb day, followed by or following a great, solid workout of both weightlifting and a run. I also have some grapes and strawberries in the fridge that will not go to waste, but I will wait until the weekend.

I really need to focus on getting the H20 into me, as I've been slack on that as well.

I'll post my weight on Thursday, unless I don't go to the bathroom till then!!!

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