Tuesday 12 April 2011

I will get through this...

I made healthier choices today - albeit still not Dukan. I have a lot of thinking to do, and I know that I will get my brain straightened out - but my emotions are so crazy right now, and not even just about food. I guess it could be 'stress' that makes me fall hard. I hate to say 'stress' because I know I have it really easy compared to a lot of people out there. I hate feeling sorry for myself. But truth be known, I'm not that happy at the moment. On a second to second basis, if I'm distracted (be it through work, or friends) I am not unhappy. But a moment to myself and I feel like I've got a lot on my shoulders.

I'll wake up tomorrow, and try my best. I'm focusing on getting rid of this cough, and getting my energy back. That will be a good start. I walked 10K today. Another start. Tomorrow I have another crazy busy day at work and then hopefully things will calm down some. Hopefully.

I've been reading a lot about sugar addiction lately, and giving it up. What goes on mentally when one goes through it all. I've signed up to see this presentation by a well respected doctor  on giving up sugar. He's a psychologist who works primarily with eating disorders and diabetics. The presentation is on diabetes and how to approach eating. While I'm not diabetic in the least, or even heading that way (I hope!) - I think it will be an interesting talk on the subject, and something I may benefit from. That is not until May, but I'll keep you posted on that. I was talking about him today with a co-worker, and it turns out he works right down the hall from me, and I never knew! Small world.

Anyhow, going to have a healthy dinner, and take it easy. Another day done.

My hubby asked me to make a cheesecake this weekend, so maybe that will steer me in the right direction. Doesn't that sound odd??!!


  1. Hey, I stumbled upon your blog quite recently and thought this might be the appropriate moment to jump in with some words of encouragement. I totally get you when you say you're suddenly disheartened by the diet, and that you just can't seem to get out of the mentality even though you know you want and need to do this. I experienced the exact same thing, dealing with a lot of issues but what helped me was changing my motto and saying "If I can control one thing, it will be my diet" instead of worrying about everything else that I cannot control. And after that, it became tolerable. I hope this helps! We Dukanians need all the support we can get, and I love your recipes and hope to try out your pumpkin brownies with my new oven tonight! :)

  2. I am a major sugar addict. My best diets focus on low carb, and Dukan is perfect for me because it totally eliminates temptations & trigger foods. I even think of alcohol as sugar in a glass. As long as a bag of chips/cookies/candy is sealed, I am fine. If I open the bag, I'll frequently eat the whole thing. So, I definitely understand where you're coming from. Don't forget, exercise is a great antidote to stress, and get enough sleep!

  3. Thanks for the comments ladies!

    Welcome Alia, and thanks for the words of encouragement! I love your motto - and should write it on post it notes all over my house! I really need to incorporate some positive thinking into my daily thought process! Oh and do try the pumpkin brownies! Delicious! I was thinking of using it as a crust for my cheesecake as well....maybe this weekend!

    Veruka - Do you allow yourself sugar sometimes? That's the scary part of a low carb diet - the guilt for eating sugar is so much worse, which may be a trigger. And yes! I can't wait to get back to my workouts!! I read your blog and am jealous of your exercise! Can't wait till my chest cold is gone!

    Speaking of chest colds!
    Thanks Teresa! I'll look into that medicine!
