Saturday 16 April 2011

Phlegm all over the handle bars...BUT Back At It!!

Yes, you heard me right. I am back at the gym. There was a part of me yesterday that just wanted to flag it, and run the other way. Or not run, but slowly walk without losing a lung. But it had been 1 WEEK exactly since I had hit the gym (with the exception of one yoga workout on Monday). In 7 years, I don't think I've went more than a week without going to the gym. Usually, I try to go everyday, but make it 5-6 times. I knew my lungs weren't ready, but the thought crossed my mind that they may never be. I kept thinking that if I keep 'not' going, then it will be harder and harder to go back to my original level of cardio and strength.

So, needless to say, I went. On Friday, I managed to do 3 circuits of full body. I went light on the weights and, all in all, it was quite pathetic. I know that people were glaring at me as I coughed and coughed, but I did a good job of ELABORATELY cleaning each machine down afterwards. Then I did 10 minutes on the elliptical. That was what my pipes could handle. Made me want to cry. I also walked my 5k to work - so it wasn't all that bad I suppose.

Today, I dragged myself to the gym, having had a good night's sleep with the help of 1/2 a bottle of buckley's and wine. Great combo, by the way. I highly recommend it. That and 4 huge glasses of water throughout the night. I only did cardio today - 30 minutes on the bike, and 10 minutes on the elliptical. Not to bad. Then 1 hour of grocery shopping. Does that count as exercise? Not with all the samples!!

I can't NOT go to the gym. It's not good for my soul. It drives me to eat to be honest, and I'm fully aware of that. I cannot wait until my lungs clear up - 'cause watch out!! I'll be awesome.

Now going to make a spaghetti squash w/ tomato sauce! Yum.

But let me finish this NeoCitron. Maybe I should put some vodka it!!

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