Wednesday 18 May 2011

SO BUSY!!!! But I Promise to Keep Bloggin!

Okay, so I'm crazy busy. I've started a second job, which I do from home (freelancing), but it takes SOOOO much time. Eventually, I'd love to be able to work from home entirely, so baby steps!! I really want to keep the blog up too, and discuss everything that is going on in my life, especially with regards to my diet/fitness.....and I promise to try....just time is so tight right now.

I'm doing great! Today's eating was spectacular, and I've really turned around since that is good. I'm working out like crazy as well - so I feel like I've turned a page. I suppose being busy really helps. What I would love though is to sit back and read everyone else's blogs!! I can't wait for the weekend!

Today's Eats;
Breakfast: Greek yogurt and egg whites
Lunch: Salad with chicken and lots of veggies, balsamic vinegar
Dinner: haven't eaten it yet, but more chicken and salad
Snack: Yogurt
Tons of green tea and water. 2 coffees.

Workout: 10Km walk/run
P90X: Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper X.

AbRipper X makes me want to vomit. But I'm getting better. I'm up to 20 reps of most of the sets. Not bad. Not bad. My abs are just constantly in pain!!!

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