Sunday 15 May 2011

Finally Some Humour!

My hubby and I went to see 'Bridesmaids' this afternoon. Seriously, FUNNIEST MOVIE EVER.
It was so good, I was splitting a gut the entire time. I even snorted really loud once, which of course put me into a fit of hysterical laughing, and probably did the same for everyone around me. Kristen Wiig is phenomenal. I've loved her ever since I first saw her in 'Knocked Up', but she really proved herself in this one, as a writer and and actress. She is just wonderful. And you have to check out her bod! It's wicked! Her abs are rock solid, you could bounce a quarter off them. Dream body. Seriously.

I had to come home right away and hit the P90X after seeing her muscles! I did the Core Synergetic workout (my third week - so I will change next week). It was tough, as I was really tired, but I made it through. I loathe Superman/Banana. But I did it.

Now I've got some kimchi chigae on the stove, and I'm going to hit the tub first for a nice long bath.

Ciao bellas!

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