Sunday 20 February 2011

A New Blog, A New Day, A New Diet

Welcome to my new little world here in cyberspace. I'm feeling slightly timid, and slightly blank and really have no idea where to start or what to write. A brief introduction? Perhaps.

My name is Heather, and I'm 33 years old. Why am I starting this blog? A few reasons;

1)I love blogs! I've been a blog reader for the last 10 years. It's been one of my biggest/stickiest past times, and I thoroughly enjoy reading the days of other people's lives. I've seen some of them grow from just tiny wee blogs, into the superheroes they are today. For example, I remember reading  DOOCE when she first started. And to see her today, with her handsome husband, two gorgeous kids, and an incredible career is amazing. I feel so inspired by so many bloggers - just for their dedication to the blog world. I also have to mention my addiction to food blogs in general. Or the foodies, or whatever you call them. They are a different source of inspiration; one that helps me eat healthier, run further, and to lead an overall healthier lifestyle. So....all of this has lead me to this blog! Perhaps, I can too be a part of this world!

2)I need a way to document my fitness/food intake under a daily basis. I find that (and sources say that) I live a healthier lifestyle if I am writing everything down. It holds me accountable. I become (and this doesn't sound good - but I think it is) somewhat obsessive about it. Obviously, this could be seen as some sort of disorder (and it very well might be) but it gets things done. I'm one way or the other - disciplined or a hellian.
If I hold up my end of the bargain with this blog, you might get to witness said extremes! SO!! Extreme Number One: New Diet. I'm starting the DUKAN DIET. I'll get into that a bit down the road...

3)I want to evolve. I need to try something different. I feel like I've been stuck in a rut lately, and although I'm not unhappy - I'm bored. I need to experience something different - and how can you do that if, day in and day out, you do the exact same thing. I'm not sure that having a blog will be the change I need, but it's something that I've always been interested in, and who knows where it shall lead. We shall see....

So that is it, in a nutshell. There will be much more to learn about me (if there is anyone really out there), but I think that is good for now. Stay tuned for more about the Dukan, what it is, why I'm trying it, and why it may or may not be a crazy idea.

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