However, life is getting back to normal - although won't completely until late September. I'm back at eating healthy, with no 'plan' intact, but managing. I've got a month until my cruise to Alaska, and I want to look hot, and possibly fit into the few 'formal' outfits I have. I'm back at the gym - doing a sort of 'body for life' routine, which encompasses running every other day, and weights in between. That is how I really got into shape to begin with, and that's what I need now. Some stability in the form of a routine. That, accompanied by my normal 5-10km walks daily, and eating properly (with the exception of one 'free meal' a week) and hopefully I'll be down to a happy size by the end of the month. While I won't be the 'waif' I dream of being anytime soon - I'm optimistic that I will at least be comfortable. I'm not that uncomfortable now - after a week of eating somewhat decent and working out again. Nice to be back on track.
Hope all my beautiful bloggers out there are doing well. I'll be catching up today!!